Asia-Pacific Elite Entrepreneurs Association (AEEA) has been established for 20 years in Singapore. In the year 2000, we were a sub-group under People’s Association (PA) as Entrepreneurs’ Club. Civil servants and grassroots leaders were previously invited to join the club. On December 22nd 2002, the council was sworn into office by the Minister of State for Community Development and Sports & Prime Minister’s Office, Mr. Chan Soo Sen, and the Minister Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Singapore, Mr. Zhou Hongli at the People’s Association Kreta Ayer Community Club. Upon registration as Entrepreneurs’ Club (Singapore) in year 2002 as a not-for-profit organisation, we have since welcomed entrepreneurs to join us as members. In 2015, Entrepreneurs’ Club (Singapore) has been renamed to become Asia-Pacific Elite Entrepreneurs Association (AEEA).
The Asia-Pacific Elite Entrepreneurs Association (AEEA) stands as a beacon of excellence, bringing together the finest talents and leaders from across the Asia-Pacific region. Our mission is clear: to cultivate a culture of collaboration, innovation, and prosperity that transcends boundaries and propels our region to new heights of success. Since our inception, we have remained steadfast in our commitment to upholding the principles of excellence, innovation, and cooperation. Through our tireless efforts, we have continuously expanded our influence and reach, solidifying our position as a respected and influential organization in the entrepreneurial landscape.
At AEEA, we pride ourselves with our ability to unite exceptional talents and leaders from diverse sectors, including business, academia, politics, and society. Through a plethora of high-level forums, seminars, and training initiatives, we foster meaningful exchanges and collaborations among members, collectively charting the course for future growth and development.
However, our dedication goes beyond mere collaboration - it extends to making a tangible impact on society. Through our philanthropic endeavors and social responsibility initiatives, we are committed to advancing sustainable development and societal progress, ensuring that our actions leave a lasting and positive legacy for generations to come.
As we look towards the future, AEEA remains unwavering in its commitment to leveraging its platform advantages to provide enhanced opportunities and resources for our members. Together, we will continue to shape the future of entrepreneurship in the Asia-Pacific region, unlocking unparalleled opportunities for success and prosperity. Through unity and collaboration, we believe that the possibilities are limitless, and the future is ours to shape.
VISION 愿景 To create a vibrant association of successful entrepreneurial leaders within the Asia Pacific Region to facilitate the sharing of resources and talent, and the venturing of businesses within the region 于亚太地区创建充满活力与成功企业领袖的商团, 促进资源和人才的共享
MISSION 使命 To establish an important platform that nurtures all aspiring small & micro enterprises within the Asia Pacific region 为培育小微企业成为亚太地区有抱负的成功企业家创建一个重要平台